We are excited to announce that IMeBIO has successfully secured a new public contract in Cayenne. After responding to the invitation to tender, we have been selected for the supply of an equipped modular P3 laboratory and related work. This is a significant achievement for our team and a testament to the quality and innovation of our solutions. The new modular laboratory will be situated at the Centre Hospitalier de Cayenne - Andrée Rosemon.

Technical plan CHU Cayenne

Our winning proposal features a state-of-the-art modular laboratory, composed of two 40-foot containers. Each container is meticulously designed to house separate P3 laboratory areas, ensuring the highest standards of safety and efficiency. The modular design offers flexibility and rapid deployment, key advantages for modern laboratory infrastructure.

The modular laboratory will include two distinct P3 laboratory zones:

Mycology/Virrology Laboratory:

  • Dedicated to the study and research of fungi and viruses.
  • Equipped with advanced equipment and technology for comprehensive analysis and diagnostics.

Tuberculosis Diagnostics Laboratory:

  • Specialized area for the diagnosis and research of tuberculosis.
  • Features cutting-edge diagnostic tools to support accurate and efficient tuberculosis testing.

These laboratory zones are accessible from a common area, facilitating smooth workflow and interaction between different research activities.

Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting project. We look forward to seeing the positive impact our modular P3 laboratory will have on the Centre Hospitalier de Cayenne - Andrée Rosemon and the broader scientific and medical communities.

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