Launch of the collaborative public-private research and development program GESPPAIR, winner of the regionalized France 2030 plan. 


IMeBIO is proud to be part of the GESPPAIR public-private collaborative research and development program.

The Consortium of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region: IMeBIO, VirexpR, CONIDIA CONIPHY, as well as the academic research laboratory VirPath and its technological research platform Virnext, have joined forces to synergize their high value-added scientific and technological expertise to provide innovative solutions aimed at contributing to the :

GEStion and Prevention of microbiological and virological contamination risks for better Protection and quality of indoor AIR in confined spaces.

Approved by the AXELERA and Lyonbiopole Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes clusters of excellence, and supported by Lyon Ingénierie Projet, a subsidiary of Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, the GESPPAIR public-private collaborative research and development program is a winner of the regionalized France 2030 plan. Managed by Bpifrance in the region, the program has a budget of 3.5 million euros, and has received a total subsidy of 2.24 million euros from the French government, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region and the Grenoble metropolitan area.

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